Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Grade 9: Enlightenment/Philosophers Assignment


Part 1: pondering some philosophical statements
Decide if you agree or disagree with each statement.  Be prepared to state why you agree or disagree.
 1. Humans are naturally selfish.
2. Government is necessary to keep order.
3. Without government, the world would be chaotic.
4. Giving up some of your rights in exchange for law and order sounds like a good idea.
5. The purpose of government is to protect the citizens’ rights.
6. If the people do not agree with the government, then the people have the right to rebel and demand change.
7. It is important the power is separated and not given to one person.
8. Humans are naturally good.
9. All people should be free and equal, without social classes and social hierarchies.
10.  Education is necessary to become virtuous, useful, and productive.
11.  Every person should be given an education.
12.  Some jobs should be filled only by a specific gender.
13.  Traditional marriage roles are important to maintain order.
14.  Through experience, people naturally gain wisdom and insight.
15.  People know how best to govern their own affairs, not the government.

Part 2: information gathering
a) Gather information about the Philosophers (from your text book & the handout) and record on your data chart.
b)Pretend you are a devoted follower of one of the Philosophers of your choice.  Choose two of the following topics and try to reconstruct the world according to their views.  For example:  what would a school look like if Hobbes was responsible for organizing and planning it?  You may discuss this with a partner.
1.  school
2.  places of work
3.  welfare/social programs
4.  government
5.  rights & freedoms
6.  family life

c) Go through statements again from the point of view of your philosopher that you are an expert on.  (again how would you defend your philosophers point of view, ie why would they agree or disagree.

Part 3:  written extension on philosopher
Write a description of your school, family life, society etc... as it would look if one of the philosophers were responsible for creating it.  Be sure to mention the philosopher by name, his most important idea and explain how this would effect life.
-Go through self assessment
-Have a partner read your write up and provide feedback
-Create final draft and submit (**along with philosophers chart) by Tuesday Oct. 12