Monday, October 4, 2021

Answers to Friday 5: Oct. 1, Socials 9

 1.  What are some of the things happening in Europe or around the world that may have contributed to unrest in France?

-American Revolution, ideas of independence

-Philosophers - different ideas about government

-Trade, not just of goods but ideas

2.  What is decolonization?

-attempting to undo or acknowledge some of the damage and mistakes made through colonization

3.  What was the enlightenment?

-a time of new ideas about government, human nature and science where reason must be present to explain an idea

4.  What was unique about the enlightenment?

Women were heavily involved, Salons

5.  Define colonialism or imperialism

-imperialism - act of taking over a country through military force or gaining political or economic control

-colonization - gaining control of a country through settlement and forcing ideas: economic, religion, political

Answers to Friday 5: Oct. 1

 1.  Define National Identity:

-cultural characteristics or traits of a country that make it distinct from other countries and a sense of itself

2.  Why is it hard to describe Canadian Identity?

-too much geography, very large country


3.  Provide three things that might describe what it means to be Canadian.

-diversity, multiculturalism, inclusive, live in our borders, born in our borders, inclusive, not American

4.  Differentiate between a nation and a nation state.

nation = group of people who share bonds based on language, background, religion, cultural heritage, geography, political beliefs or some combo of these

nation state = another word for country, political division with physical borders and a government

5.  Provide a similarity or a difference on the quotes that people had on Canadian identity:

-vast geography (sim)

-that we don't have a solid identity, ever changing (sim)

6.  Why might Canada be a civic nation?

-wide variety of backgrounds choosing to live together b/c of political values and beliefs
