Sunday, October 31, 2021

Socials 9: answers to Friday 5, October 29th

 1.  Differentiate between nationalism and patriotism.

The difference between Patriotism and Nationalism is that THE PATRIOT is proud of his/her/their country for what it does, and THE NATIONALIST is proud of his/her/their country no matter what it does. 

2.  Two things that Napoleon did that could be considered reactionary or following the old regime.
-crowning himself emperor
-taking away women's rights

3.  What is propaganda and how did Napoleon us it?

-information that is biased or misleading trying to create an emotional reaction to favour a cause or idea
-Napoleon used it to make himself always look powerful, glorious and strong in art and plays, in the news only good things would be printed

4.  Two adjectives to describe Napoleon:

-ambitious, head strong, proud, noble

5.  What was the Napoleonic Code and provide one change it made pos/neg.

-Napoleonic Code aka Civil Code was when all the laws in France were unified and put into one set of laws
+made education a priority
-took away women's rights
+made all men equal under the law
+abolished serfdom

Friday, October 15, 2021

Social Studies 9: French Revolution Mind Map

Socials 9:  French Revolution Review Mind Map

The goal of this assignment is to review the major events of the French Revolution.  Your mind map will need to include the following:

-French Revolution in the centre
-at least 4 subtopics:  Causes, People, Events, Government
-add pictures to help things stand out where appropriate
-use the cartoon outline and your text to help you

Marking Criteria:

You may bring this into the quest:  date TBA (Monday/Tuesday next week).

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

French Revolution Review Sheet

 French Revolution Review Sheet

Chapter 3 - Crossroads
TEST DATE:  Tuesday Oct. 27

Terms, People, Events: 
Historical Significance           Change & Continuity               
Revolution                               Guillotine                                
Enlightenment                         catalyst                                   Estates General
Radical                                    Directory
National Assembly                 Constitution                             Salon
Political Clubs                        Philosophers                            Tennis Court Oath
Bastille                                    Reign of Terror                       Robespierre
Danton                                    Marat                                       Mme Roland
Louis XIV                               Louis XVI                               Girondists
Jacobins                                  Sans Culottes                           Hobbes
Locke                                      Voltaire                                    Rousseau
Marie Antoinette                     Bourgeoisie                             Émigré
Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen

Some bigger picture questions and things to consider:

-know the political clubs, their ideals, leaders and where they are on the political spectrum
-be able to relate Historical Significance, Change and Continuity(we will go over this on Monday) to the French Revolution
-causes of French Revolution (and consequences/results)
-know the structure of 17th C. French Society
-understand how the philosophers and the enlightenment contributed to revolution
-significance of the capture of the Bastille
-Understand how the National Assembly came to be and the significant steps they made toward democracy
-know the significant events of the Reign of Terror
-the irony of Robespierre’s rule 
-what were the issues of the Estates General?
-how did women play important roles in the French Revolution?
-understand how one revolution fueled another
-what did the Revolution achieve?
-do all revolutions need to be violent?
-ideas of symbolism and irony during the French Revolution.

****Review Friday 5's

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Socials 10: Answers to Friday 5, Oct. 8th

 1.  Define alienation.

-a sense of being left out when one should rightly be involved or included

2.  Provide an example of regional alienation.

-North - poverty due to lack of job opportunities & very expensive food due to transport costs leading to huge food insecurity

-Central Canada - general resentment from the rest of the country as it has more population and therefore government power than the rest of the country (political advantage), transfer payments

-Atlantic Canada - have not region when the fisheries collapsed, low employment rates, low wages

-The West - lack of understanding of the west by central government/Canada

3.  The Truth and Reconciliation Commission can't change the past...however it can help change the future, provide an example.

-spread awareness and in turn help provide funding for educational programs to help bridge the gap of understanding

4.  Explain ethical judgement or ethical dimensions.

-Judging actions of the past if they are right and fair or unjust and unfair

5.  a)  Why should a present day government apologize for wrongs of the past?

-many survivors relatives or children are still feeling the pain of the wrongs

b)  Provide an example of a historical wrong that the government of Canada has had to apologize for.

-internment, head tax etc...

Friday, October 8, 2021

Socials 10 wee project: Historical Wrongs & Government Apologies

 Purpose:  Gain a deeper understanding on a Historical Wrong in Canada where the Canadian Government has apologized.

Goal:  Create a visual display that communicates your understanding & learning on this apology & event

Order of operations:

1.  Pick a topic 

2. Basic research and notes to understand 5W+H

3.  Create visual display 

4.  Create bibliography

Some things your project should include (but not limited to these):

a) Background information on what happened from both perspectives of the issue (for example:  Why the Canadian Govmt created Residential Schools and how Indigenous people felt about these schools (at the time).

b) Give time frame of initial issue, (ex. when Residential Schools started/ended) 

c) When the government apologized & why they apologized including what provoked the apology (ie, what was the catalyst).  Did the apology include a monetary piece?

d) Any other pertinent information

***I will collect your final project, your notes & your bibliography

Due:  Tuesday October 12th

You will be doing a short informal presentation to the class.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Answers to Friday 5: Oct. 1, Socials 9

 1.  What are some of the things happening in Europe or around the world that may have contributed to unrest in France?

-American Revolution, ideas of independence

-Philosophers - different ideas about government

-Trade, not just of goods but ideas

2.  What is decolonization?

-attempting to undo or acknowledge some of the damage and mistakes made through colonization

3.  What was the enlightenment?

-a time of new ideas about government, human nature and science where reason must be present to explain an idea

4.  What was unique about the enlightenment?

Women were heavily involved, Salons

5.  Define colonialism or imperialism

-imperialism - act of taking over a country through military force or gaining political or economic control

-colonization - gaining control of a country through settlement and forcing ideas: economic, religion, political

Answers to Friday 5: Oct. 1

 1.  Define National Identity:

-cultural characteristics or traits of a country that make it distinct from other countries and a sense of itself

2.  Why is it hard to describe Canadian Identity?

-too much geography, very large country


3.  Provide three things that might describe what it means to be Canadian.

-diversity, multiculturalism, inclusive, live in our borders, born in our borders, inclusive, not American

4.  Differentiate between a nation and a nation state.

nation = group of people who share bonds based on language, background, religion, cultural heritage, geography, political beliefs or some combo of these

nation state = another word for country, political division with physical borders and a government

5.  Provide a similarity or a difference on the quotes that people had on Canadian identity:

-vast geography (sim)

-that we don't have a solid identity, ever changing (sim)

6.  Why might Canada be a civic nation?

-wide variety of backgrounds choosing to live together b/c of political values and beliefs
