Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Geography 12: Oct. 2

 Geography looked like BC post secondary school visits in the first half of today.  We then went to a fair of all the university and collages in the building.  

Finally we went to the library and continued work on our Field Reports.  Field Reports due:  Friday/Monday

Social Studies 10: Oct. 2 (includes collage instructions & historical wrongs project outline)

 Today in Social Studies 10 we completed our government simulation.  Students did a self evaluation and submitted this with their work that you did on the simulation.  (including any role preparation work you did -sheets and any amendments).  Students also had a bit of time to complete their mind maps in the first half of today.  Mind Maps due Friday.

In the second half we discussed what historical wrongs/ethical dimensions are and did some work understanding ethical dimensions.

Then we did some work to prep for our projects on Ethical Dimensions and Historical Wrongs:
P. 16 & 17 in text
What are ethical dimensions or judgements?
Right/Wrong actions, who judges?
Were past actions right/ethical 
Judging whether past actions were justified, assigning historical responsibility, and attributing contemporary accountability.

Historical Wrongs
-what are they
-read pp. 42 - discuss and be ready to respond to Q 1 and 2 at bottom of page
-read p. 47 (including the voices), should Canadians talk about the victories of the past?  What about the blemishes of our past?  Why or why not.  
-How can these events contribute to Canadian identity?

Introduction of project and time in library to work on research notes.

Historical Wrongs Project:

-further research either the residential school apology or another government apology in Canadian history & create a short visual display including bibliography  (examples:  Ukrainian/Japanese/Italian internment, Komagata Maru, Chinese Head tax, Residential Schools, the St. Lewis)
1.  Notes  - create a solid set of written notes on your topic of choice, think 5W+H
2.  Visual display to communicate learning. (poster, power point, sway, photo collage etc...)
3.  Bibliography in Chicago style

-ensure you provide background info from both perspectives of the issue (for example:  Why the Canadian Govmt created Residential Schools and how Indigenous people felt about these schools --at the time).
-give time frame of initial issue, (ex. when Residential Schools started/ended)
-when the government apologized & why they apologized including what provoked the apology (ie, what was the catalyst).  Did the apology include a monetary piece?
-any other pertinent information

Marking criteria presentation:  Historical Wrongs/Apologies                        Name(s):

Historical Wrong:




Not yet

Content: - easy to understand and to the point

              - provides background information, perspectives, timeframe

Slides:  easy to follow and read (ie. not too much information)

Presentation: Volume

                      Engaging (look at audience)

                      Told not read

Information on topic communicated in a purposeful and insightful manor


Students got their collages back, if you are doing revisions or need to revisit any instructions see below.

Collage instructions:

Grab some magazine and find 5ish images and or words that represent what you believe to be Canadian identity.  Cut out and glue them on a piece of construction paper.  At the bottom write a brief description of why you chose what you did to represent what it means to be Canadian.

Can you be wrong?  No because you are backing up your ideas.  Will yours be different than others, probably….these are going to be displayed on the classroom wall.  Be thoughtful, be clever and be concise!  Your write up is key to connecting your ideas to Canadian identity, especially the why portion.

Does being Canadian mean that you are born here, live here, both?  Does being Canadian mean a shared set of values, ideas, culture and history?  What do you think?  Don't forget a title!!