Feb. 24th (Monday)
Today we went over Friday 5's and did some further review of the political spectrum. There was a fill in the blanks sheet on the start of the Revolution. It corresponded to pages 72-75 in our text book. We then went over this review and some of the events of these pages. We also corresponded this to the cartoon overview we have. We then continued to watch the movie on the French Revolution.
Link to Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pXxoyk5wOo
Feb. 25th (Tuesday)
Today we did some review on the Estates General and the National Assembly. We did some notes on the great fear and the hysteria that was happening in parts of the country. We talked about the feudal pyramid and what it meant when feudalism was abolished by the National Assembly and all were declared equal under the law (citizen) under the newly formed constitution, "The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen". We also completed a sheet on the political clubs in France and established where they sat on the political spectrum. From here we continued with the movie (link above) up to the 34 minute mark.
Test on Friday (French Revolution & government)
We will finish the movie on Thursday in our double block class.