Thursday, September 19, 2024

Socials 10: Sept. 19th

 Today in Socials 10 we discussed how to write a good persuasive paragraph and we rewrote some answers to our senate questions.

We did some review for our test tomorrow (Friday, Sept. 20th) and went over what a vote of non-confidence is.  

From here we did a reading on the similarities and differences between the American and Canadian systems of government and put this info into a venn diagram.

Finally we discussed the simulation we are embarking on and went through the bill (Harmony Act) line by line to examine the vocabulary.  Roles will be given out next day.

Friday is test day:  Review is on the blog.

What counts, matters and is important in your persuasive paragraph:



Introductory Sentence 

  • Clearly introduces the topic or what your paragraph is going to be about 

  • Thesis/opinion is clear

  • Tells us what you are writing about 

Body of paragraph 

  • 3-5 pieces of evidence/examples/ideas to support your introductory/topic sentence 

  • Explains and expands ideas 

  • 3-5 sentences 

  • Flows smoothly 

  • Stays focussed on the topic 


  • Links back to introduction 

  • Restates your intro/topic in a new creative way 

  • Leaves reader with something to think about 

  • Incorporates no new ideas that haven’t been talked about in the body 

  • Wraps it all up, ties it all together 

  • Summarizes the ideas

Other Writing Conventions 


  • Grammar/punctuation & spelling 

  • Keep self out (no I believe etc...)

Geography 12: Sept. 19

 Today in Geography 12 we headed out and did our field study data collection on Bridge Creek a tributary of the Illcillewaet River.  

When we returned we answered these two questions:

  • From your time in the field what type of drainage pattern do you think the Illecillewaet river has?  Why?  
  • What stage of river development is the Illecillewaet river at?  How do you know?