Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Napoleon Evidence project

 Goal:  to use evidence in the form of ideas and quotes with proper Chicago citations to back up a position.

Part 1: Pick a topic/position from the list below:

Example: Napoleon was a military genius. Napoleon was a tyrant and not a good leader for France.

Part 2:  Fill out page one and page two of your Napoleon evidence frame sheet.  Provide 3 reasons to support the topic/position you chose.  Then fill out the next side where you are providing additional ideas/supporting evidence for each reason.  This is the why part.  For example if you said Napoleon was a military genius;  why was he a military genius, how do you know.  Think about this like you are a lawyer defending a position, there is always two sides to every story but you have to prove ONE and only one side.

Part 3:  In the library use books and websites to find quotes to support each idea.  The quotes help to strengthen your argument.  The quotes don't need to necessarily be something someone said, it can just be a quote from a book/article that supports what you are trying to say.

***Add the citation information so you give credit where credit is due.

Part 4:  Position Paper

Now that you have done the leg work, you will turn this into a position paper.  Start by writing your drafts for body paragraphs for idea #1, 2 & 3.  Your paragraph will include your quote and your supporting details.  Think of each of these as a mini persuasive paragraph.  Your summary acts as your conclusion and then finally write your introduction now that you know what you have written about.

Have someone proof read for grammar and that it makes sense!

Part 5:  Footnotes & Bibliography - I will give you a lesson on how to do this but if you are ahead, find instructions under the library citations tab.

*Remember Bibliography should be on a separate page, with heading and in alphabetical order.

Submit all of it including your notes booklet!  Done :)


Soc 9 March 10 & 11

 March 10th

Today I handed back your Friday 5 and went over it.  We then did some review of Nationalism and patriotism and focussed on the question:  how did Napoleon use Nationalism?  From here we talked about propaganda and censorship until my videos didn't work...at which point we headed to the library to work on our Napoleon Evidence project.

March 11th

Today we reviewed the major concepts of Nationalism, Patriotism, Propaganda and Censorship.  We watched these videos on the later two.  We also answered the question of how and why Napoleon used propaganda and censorship.  




From here we started talking about Napoleon's downfall and did a one word web on the Continental System that went with pages 104-105.  (see example below)

We finished the class watching the video on Napoleon again.