Friday, October 11, 2024

Geography 12: Mass Wasting article analysis

 Mass Wasting Article Analysis

1.  Find an article or news event (you might need to find a couple for the same event to get enough info) for a type of mass wastage of your choice (mudslide, rockfall, avalanche, creep, solifluction etc...and analyze the event by describing the following:

  • the factors leading to the type of wastage. (causes)
  • the wastage movement (this means briefly in your words describe what happened)
  • the physical and human impacts of the wastage movement (effects)
  • the current immediate needs due to the aftermath (short term solutions)
  • possible longer term prevention. (long term solutions)
Ensure you include the source of the article.

2.  Apply two of the Geographic thinking concepts to the article.

3.  Then add if you agree with the causes from what you know (or further research) and briefly discuss what you think is the best solution, backed up with evidence.

Social Studies 10: Oct. 11

 Today in class we wrote a Friday 5, finished up the last presentations on Historical Wrongs in Canada.  From here we started looking at the Constitution, what a constitution is and how it is important in Canada.  We understood what the BNA Act is and how it was hard for Canadians to change the constitution because it was British law and all changes needed to go through Britain.  We looked at the process that Pierre Trudeau went through in 1982 in order to bring in the Constitution Act and patriate the constitution that includes our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We read pages 82-86 and created a T chart for cause and consequences of patriating the constitution.  This is due for Homework on Tuesday.

Key vocab:  Contitution, Constitution Act, British North America Act, patriate, amending formula