Saturday, March 8, 2025

Socials 9: answers to Friday 5, March 7th

 1.  Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

-Military General, Emperor of France, came to power at the end of the French Revolution

2.  What was the civil code?

-a set of rules for France aka Napoleonic Code.  Reformed rules.  Some specifics:  abolished feudalism and created equality for MEN under the law, secular laws (separated church from state), positions in society should be based on merit not birth

3.  Define Reactionary:

-opposes social reform, favours the old regime or way of doing things

4.  Two examples how Napoleon was reactionary:

-no rights for women (they had won rights during the French Revolution)

-he crowned himself Emperor of France similar to an Absolute Monarch

-used censorship and propaganda to make himself and the economy seem stronger and better than reality


5.  Two things found in the civil code that could be considered revolutionary:

-abolishing feudalism, equality

-merit based system

-unified laws and financial system

-separated state and church