Social Studies 10 WWII mini project
Goal: To gain understanding on some aspect of WWII with regard to Canada & Canada's involvement in WWII.
TOPIC IDEAS: WWII technology, Battles Canada was involved in, propaganda and it's role in war, Holocaust, battle tactics, causes and consequences of WWII, Women's roles in WWII, War on the home front (how Canada contributed), Famous Canadians of WWII, Indigenous roles in WWII, Home security, Human rights violations in WWII. (other topics approved by teacher)
Part 1: Pick a partner, a topic and come up with research question/literal question. (You can work solo if desired)
(A research/literal question is a question you know you will be able to find the answer to while researching)
Part 2: research, take notes (handwritten) to avoid plagiarism, summarize ideas, collect bibliographic information.
Part 3: create an evaluative question (see handout, you will receive this tomorrow). Answer evaluative question
(An evaluative question forces us to evaluate our information and research, it is an open ended question that you can answer from your information and research. You are coming up with an opinion/judgement based on facts from your research. Example: Was WWI more similar or different than WWII?
Part 4: Create a power point or poster board that has good visuals on your topic and present your information. Try to say more with less and use photos/pictures to support. Both your research question and evaluative question should be clear and answered in your project.
Part 5: Create bibliography in Chicago style.
Part 6: Come up with three questions you want the reader to focus in on and answer while looking at your project. We will do a gallery walk and create a bit of notes from the questions you create on your project.
You will only have two blocks to get this together so divide and conquer with your partner. YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME TO WAISTE, THESE ARE DUE ON MONDAY. This is enough time providing you use your time well.
Block 1: come up with research question and do your research, take notes.
Block 2: put together your info into slides, come up with evaluative question & answers, bibliography.
| Approaching Expectations | Meeting Expectations | Exceeding Expectations |
Use of Time | -poor use of time -needed several reminders to stay on task
| -satisfactory use of time -on task most of the time
| -excellent use of time -on task all of the time
Evidence of Research: notes, bibliography, inquiry question | -no bibliography or less than 3 relevant sources cited -many sources are not cited -minimal analysis of sources -minimal effort to go through the process of inquiry -little or no notes included
| -bibliography contains at least three relevant and reliable sources in Chicago citation style -evidence of cross referencing sources -some analysis of all sources to answer a focus question or develop a big idea -most sources are cited -notes are included
| -bibliography contains more than three sources in Chicago citation style -extensive research is evident through detailed notes, analysis and cross referencing -thoughtful analysis of sources to answer inquiry question or develop a big idea -all sources are cited -excellent effort on inquiry process
Conventions: grammar, spelling, layout
| -several grammar and spelling errors present -layout is confusing
| -good effort to proofread and has few errors -good effort to provide a layout that enhances flow of project
| -clearly proofread for understanding -no spelling or grammar errors -layout enhances project
Content: Demonstrates knowledge of topic & answers research & evaluative question | -limited knowledge of the topic evident -research question not fully answered -information not clearly presented
| -good knowledge of topic -information is presented in a satisfactory fashion -topic is covered but needs more depth -good effort to answer research & evaluative questions or create a big idea
| -excellent knowledge of topic -big idea/research question clearly answered or developed -evaluative question present and answered -information is well presented
Presentation: -Clarity of information -Creativity -Neat -Organization & layout | -Limited effort to organize and clearly present information -Not much effort put into creative elements to present topic -lacks neatness
| -good effort to organize and present big ideas or answer inquiry question -good use of creative elements -thought was put into final product -visually pleasing -neat
| -information is clearly and thoughtfully presented and organized -lots of thought put into final product making it interesting and visually pleasing -exceptional use of creative elements to present topic -leaves an impression on the viewer