Sunday, February 23, 2025

Socials 9: Answers to Friday 5, Feb. 21

 1.  What is a political ideology?

-is a set of shared ideas or beliefs about the role of government and how society should work.

Members of a political party usually share a similar political ideology.

2.  Briefly explain the political spectrum.


Left                                Centre                                    Right

-Left - likes change                                                    -Right - likes tradition

-L = higher taxes                                                         -R=lower taxes, less govmt intervention

-socialism                                                                    -capitalism

3.  Provide two examples of how the Kings in France contributed to the Revolution.

-fighting wars that put their country in debt causing taxes to go up, not being suitable to rule, ignoring the people, not giving the majority of the population a say, spending money on lavish castles, jewels etc...

4.  How did the philosophers contribute to the Revolution?

-by providing new ideas about government 

5.  Define colonialism.

-gaining control of a country through settlement and forcing ideas: economic, religion, political

French Revolution Review Sheet

 French Revolution Review Sheet

Chapter 3 - Crossroads
TEST DATE:  Friday Feb. 28

Terms, People, Events: 
Historical Significance           Change & Continuity               
Revolution                               Guillotine                                
Enlightenment                         catalyst                                   Estates General
Radical                                    Directory
National Assembly                 Constitution                             Salon
Political Clubs                        Philosophers                            Tennis Court Oath
Bastille                                    Reign of Terror                       Robespierre
Danton                                    Marat                                       Mme Roland
Louis XIV                               Louis XVI                               Girondists
Jacobins                                  Sans Culottes                           Hobbes
Locke                                      Voltaire                                    Rousseau
Marie Antoinette                     Bourgeoisie                             Émigré
Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen

Some bigger picture questions and things to consider:

-know the political clubs, their ideals, leaders and where they are on the political spectrum
-be able to relate Historical Significance, Change and Continuity(we will go over this sometime this week) to the French Revolution
-causes of French Revolution (and consequences/results)
-know the structure of 17th C. French Society
-understand how the philosophers and the enlightenment contributed to revolution
-significance of the capture of the Bastille
-Understand how the National Assembly came to be and the significant steps they made toward democracy
-know the significant events of the Reign of Terror
-the irony of Robespierre’s rule 
-what were the issues of the Estates General?
-how did women play important roles in the French Revolution?
-understand how one revolution fueled another
-what did the Revolution achieve?
-do all revolutions need to be violent?
-ideas of symbolism and irony during the French Revolution.

****Review Friday 5's