Sunday, February 23, 2025

Socials 9: Answers to Friday 5, Feb. 21

 1.  What is a political ideology?

-is a set of shared ideas or beliefs about the role of government and how society should work.

Members of a political party usually share a similar political ideology.

2.  Briefly explain the political spectrum.


Left                                Centre                                    Right

-Left - likes change                                                    -Right - likes tradition

-L = higher taxes                                                         -R=lower taxes, less govmt intervention

-socialism                                                                    -capitalism

3.  Provide two examples of how the Kings in France contributed to the Revolution.

-fighting wars that put their country in debt causing taxes to go up, not being suitable to rule, ignoring the people, not giving the majority of the population a say, spending money on lavish castles, jewels etc...

4.  How did the philosophers contribute to the Revolution?

-by providing new ideas about government 

5.  Define colonialism.

-gaining control of a country through settlement and forcing ideas: economic, religion, political

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