Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Socials 10 - Sept 17th

 This afternoon we reviewed the branches of government.  We started by finishing the reading in Counterpoints pp. 227-237.  We watched this video to solidify our learning. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=638469686833232. (Just x out the facebook login and you should be able to access it).  

From there we discussed cabinet, the Party Whip, Free Votes and caucus.  

We then discussed the law making process or how a bill becomes a law.  We filled in a chart on this.  To help us with the chart and understand the process better we watched two videos:



We finished up starting to differentiate between the US and Canadian Government systems.

******There is a test/assessment on Government on Friday Sept. 20th....See the review sheet on the blog.

Geog. 12 Sept. 17 - River Systems

 Today in Geog 12 we reviewed the glaciation sheet and added some definitions to the diagram on the third page from Earth Matters text book p. 134.  We then turned our attention back to river systems (specifically erosion and transportation)and took some notes and did some reading in Earth Matters to reinforce our learning from our notes.  We read pp. 116-118 (up to Underground River Landscapes) to also help our understanding.

Here are a couple of diagrams to help you out with the processes:

We watched this video to help our understanding:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EIoBao-UvI

And we started Bill Nye's River and Steam systems video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y02Z4uuDwkY (we watched up to 9:26).  Please read pp. 185-191 to reinforce some of these concepts for Homework.

Socials 10: Government review sheet. (Assessment #1)

Socials 10:  Government Review sheet

Political spectrum:  Right, Centre and Left wing government ideologies
Communism, Fascism, Capitalism, Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, etc...
Levels of Govmt:  municipal, provincial, federal
Branches of Govmt:  Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Governor General
Lieutenant Governor
Prime Minister
Cabinet, Cabinet post/portfolio, Cabinet solidarity, shadow cabinet
Senate (Upper House)
House of Commons (lower house)
Constitutional Monarchy
Direct vrs Representative Democracy
majority vrs minority government
First past the post vrs proportional representation 
Free Vote
Speaker of the House
Private Members Bill

Some questions:
Be able to describe the different parts of the political spectrum and put the different ideologies on as well as our current political parties (Liberal, Conservative, NDP & Green, BQ).  Be able to hypothetically apply the different ideologies.
Be able to describe our electoral system.
Understand and explain the different branches of government
Senate and the issues around it.
Federal vrs Provincial responsibilities.
Different ways you as a citizen can influence government 
Informed citizenship
Differentiate between the American and Canadian systems of government (if we get there)
Be able to take a bill to a law.
Understand the major positions of government (GG, PM, Cabinet, MP etc...)
Majority government vs. Minority government
Understand voting & election
Be able to differentiate between the American and Canadian political systems