Saturday, November 20, 2021

Social Studies 9: Industrial Revolution Board Game

Industrial Revolution Board Game Creation:

For the Industrial Revolution Unit's culminating activity you are going to create some sort of board game.

Purpose:  to show your learning and understanding of the Industrial Revolution.

The game should aim to help people learn about the perspectives, new inventions, theories, and philosophies that emerged during the Industrial Revolution. You may use elements from an existing game/base it on another board game you have played, but you may not simply create an Industrial Revolution-version of a game.

Identify the major inventions and inventors of the Industrial Revolution.
Describe the impact new technology and intellectual advancements had on society during the Industrial Revolution.
Explain the changes and continuities experienced in cities & rural areas during the Industrial Revolution.
Identify & explain different perspectives of groups involved (government, workers, inventors, farmers, children etc..) in this time period.

You may work alone or in groups of 2-4.

Due date:  TBA (we will play & evaluate them in class so no late projects please)

Your game will be marked on content/information, creativity and playability.
****Don't forget to include instructions to the board game!!!!!
Be creative, be mindful & have fun!

Other Considerations:
-Designing a game where the players directly compete against one another is inherently more complex, but it makes it more enjoyable for the players. Be careful to keep the competition manageable and the directions clear.
-Be sure there are no major “dead ends” in the game that would prevent the game from ending or having a winner.
-How will you determine a winner? Last person? (How to eliminate others?) First to finish? (How to advance?)
-What materials will you need to help create the game?


Typed Game Rules
The rules are written clearly and sequenced in a logical order so that players can easily figure out how to play without prompting.
The rules are written clearly and sequenced in a logical order so that players can easily figure out how to play, but have a prompt or question in order to play the game.
The rules are written but not necessarily in a sequenced or logical order so that players are somewhat confused on how to play. Players have many questions.
The rules are not written or the rules are not in a sequenced or logical order and players are unable to begin or play the game.
Game Board Design
The game’s essential design incorporates factual knowledge that does not deviate from the reality of World History. It contains a proper mix of strategy and luck. The game can reasonably be played by 4 people in 30 minutes. The game fosters a sense of healthy competition.
The game’s essential design incorporates factual knowledge that does not deviate from the reality of World History. It contains an unbalanced mix of strategy and luck. The game can be reasonably played by 4 people in 60 minutes. The game fosters no or too much competition.
The game’s essential design incorporates some factual knowledge and might deviate somewhat from the reality of World History. It is based on either strategy or luck only. The game is not easily played within a reasonable time frame. The game fosters no or too much competition.
The game’s essential design lacks factual knowledge and deviates from the reality of World History. It is based on either strategy or luck only. The game is too short or too long to play reasonably by 4 people. The game fosters no or too much competition.
Game Intends to Teach Knowledge & conveys your knowledge.
The game’s details demonstrate comfortable working knowledge of the industrial revolution in the context of World History. Putting the game together required excellent knowledge of the Industrial Era.
The game’s details demonstrate a satisfactory working knowledge of the industrial revolution in the context of World History. Putting the game together required some knowledge of the Industrial Era.
The game’s details struggle to demonstrate a working knowledge of the industrial revolution in the context of World History. Creating the game required limited knowledge of the topic.
The game’s details fail to demonstrate even basic working knowledge of the industrial revolution in the context of World History.  Not much knowledge needed to create the game.
Neatness, Text, & Background

The game design and all pieces are created with care and are neatly designed (i.e.: clean edges, coloured within the lines, etc.). Font formats (colour, bold, etc.) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. The background does not detract from text or graphics and is appropriate for this project.
The game design and most pieces are created with care and are neatly designed (i.e.: clean edges, coloured within the lines, etc.). Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability. The background does not detract from the text or other graphics and could have been better suited for this project.
The game design has some pieces with care and some that are not neatly designed (i.e.: messy edges, colouring mishaps, etc.). Font formatting has been planned to complement the content but it may be a little hard to read. The background does not detract from the text or graphics but does not fit the project.
The game design has multiple pieces with no care and many that are not neatly designed. Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material. The background makes it difficult to see the text or competes with other graphics on the page. The background is not suited for this project.
Creativity & Graphics
The game goes outside of the box in creativity to demonstrate knowledge and apply concepts of the industrial revolution. All graphics are attractive (size/colour) and support the theme of the project.
The game implements creative aspects to demonstrate knowledge and apply concepts of the industrial revolution. A few graphics are not attractive but all support the theme of the project.
The game is not creative and simply copies an existing format to demonstrate knowledge and concepts of the industrial revolution. Most graphics are attractive but do not support the theme of the project.
The game is not creative and simply copies an existing format – and struggles to demonstrate knowledge and concepts of the industrial revolution. Several graphics are unattractive and detract from the theme of the project.
Spelling & Grammar
The project has no spelling or grammatical errors. Clear evidence of proof reading.
The project has 1-3 spelling or grammatical errors. Some evidence of proof reading.
The project has some spelling or grammatical errors. Limited proof reading.
The project has several spelling or grammatical errors. No evidence of proof reading.

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