Monday, September 27, 2021

Answers to Friday 5: September 24, Social Studies 9

 1.  Who won the seat in our riding and what party do they represent?

Rob Morrison - conservative

2.  Explain a minority government.

-When the party in power has less than 50% of the seats and therefore require cooperation with another party in order to pass bills/legislation into law.

3.  Define revolution:

The overthrow of the government or social system of a country, usually by force.

4.  What form of monarchy do we have in Canada?  Briefly explain this.

-Constitutional Monarch - meaning they must follow a constitution in the country they rule over. In Canada they are represented by the Governor General and don't have a lot of actual power.

5.  What were two things going on in France that may have led to the revolution?

-famine, lack of jobs, absolute monarchy not fit to rule, broken economy, feudal system still in place, new ideas by the philosophers, ideas coming from the American Revolution etc...

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