Sunday, October 31, 2021

Socials 9: answers to Friday 5, October 29th

 1.  Differentiate between nationalism and patriotism.

The difference between Patriotism and Nationalism is that THE PATRIOT is proud of his/her/their country for what it does, and THE NATIONALIST is proud of his/her/their country no matter what it does. 

2.  Two things that Napoleon did that could be considered reactionary or following the old regime.
-crowning himself emperor
-taking away women's rights

3.  What is propaganda and how did Napoleon us it?

-information that is biased or misleading trying to create an emotional reaction to favour a cause or idea
-Napoleon used it to make himself always look powerful, glorious and strong in art and plays, in the news only good things would be printed

4.  Two adjectives to describe Napoleon:

-ambitious, head strong, proud, noble

5.  What was the Napoleonic Code and provide one change it made pos/neg.

-Napoleonic Code aka Civil Code was when all the laws in France were unified and put into one set of laws
+made education a priority
-took away women's rights
+made all men equal under the law
+abolished serfdom

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