Thursday, December 9, 2021

Writing your Issues paper

 Writing your issues paper:  Argumentative Essay

  1.  Create thesis statement

  2. Write up outline 

  • Include 3-5 ideas to support your argument (each will form one body paragraph)

  • Have a quote to support each idea

  1. Write body paragraphs (should have 3-5)

  2. Write up refuting paragraph (this is the arguments on the other side where you refute them)

  3. Create your introductory and concluding paragraphs

How to write your thesis statement:

  1. You need to write down your topic, position & evidence.

  • Mention the main topic of your paper

  • Take a position and state your argument

  • Summarize the evidence that you will use to support your position/argument

  1. Outline:

Thesis statement:

Body paragraph 1:  (reason #1 to support your position or argument)

Quote &/data to support:

Body paragraph 2:  (reason #2 to support your position or argument)

Quote &/data to support:

Body paragraph 3:  (reason #3 to support your position or argument)

Quote &/data to support:

Paragraph to refute:  points on the other side of your argument and how you will refute these.  (Goal of paragraph is to acknowledge the other side and put it to rest).

Summary of ideas/reasons that will feed into introduction & conclusion:

  1. Write body paragraphs, then intro & conclusion 

  2. Insert Footnotes

  3. Write Bibliography

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