Friday, October 8, 2021

Socials 10 wee project: Historical Wrongs & Government Apologies

 Purpose:  Gain a deeper understanding on a Historical Wrong in Canada where the Canadian Government has apologized.

Goal:  Create a visual display that communicates your understanding & learning on this apology & event

Order of operations:

1.  Pick a topic 

2. Basic research and notes to understand 5W+H

3.  Create visual display 

4.  Create bibliography

Some things your project should include (but not limited to these):

a) Background information on what happened from both perspectives of the issue (for example:  Why the Canadian Govmt created Residential Schools and how Indigenous people felt about these schools (at the time).

b) Give time frame of initial issue, (ex. when Residential Schools started/ended) 

c) When the government apologized & why they apologized including what provoked the apology (ie, what was the catalyst).  Did the apology include a monetary piece?

d) Any other pertinent information

***I will collect your final project, your notes & your bibliography

Due:  Tuesday October 12th

You will be doing a short informal presentation to the class.

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