Tuesday, October 15, 2024

socials 10: Oct. 14

 Today is Socials we went over the Friday 5, completed a sheet on types of nations, did some review of the charter patriation.  Worked on the following definitions in your own words with examples (HW check again on Thursday).


-amending formula

-sovereignty association

-distinct society


-not withstanding clause

A reminder to start going over the vocab on the review sheet for your test on MONDAY now.  The review sheet is linked here

Geography 12: October 15

 Today in Geography class we tackled Karst Topography or Karst Landscapes.  These are landscapes that are often part of underwater river and cave systems.  Karst refers to landscapes formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks primarily limestone but also dolomite and gypsum.  We took some notes, labeled a diagram and watched this short video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMgattdqc_I&t=10s

We then headed to the Library to work on our mast wasting article analysis.

Socials 10: Answers to Friday 5

 1.  Define regionalism:  

-When your ties to your region/area are stronger than the ties to your country

2.  Why is regionalism so prevalent in Canada?  

-because Canada is so large

3.  What are the four main regions in Canada?

-north, west, central Canada & Atlantic/Maritimes

4.  Of all the regional issues discussed which do you think has the greatest impact or lasting consequences?  Why?  Back up your answer.

5.  What are two things most of the Historical Wrongs in Canada have in common?

-rooted in racism, tied to colonialism

Monday, October 14, 2024

Socials 10, Quest #2 Review Sheet

 Quest/test date:  Friday October 18

Grade 10 Review Sheet

Canadian Identity, Diversity & the Constitution  (chapters 1-3 in Creating Canada)


National identity Nation-state Nation   Ethnic Nation

Civic Nation Demography Multicultural society

Culture Federalist patriate. veto

Sovereignty Referendum Diversity Regionalism

Regional identity assimilation Social Safety net

Transfer payments equalization payment

Amending formula sovereignty association

Distinct society decentralization notwithstanding clause

Aboriginal Rights Treaty Rights Aboriginal self government

Reserves traditional territory land claims omnibus bill

Historical Wrong Ethical Judgement


Pierre Trudeau

Brian Mulroney

Henri Bourassa

Elijah Harper

Jacques Parizeau

Rene Levesques

Major events:

-Charter patriation

-Kitchen Accord

-Meech Lake Accord

-Charlottetown Accord

-BNA Act

Questions to consider:

Causes and Consequences of Regionalism in Canada

Understand importance of knowing regional issues

Are a countries size and diversity related?  Explain

How does Western Canada(or any region of choice) benefit from being in the Canadian Federation?

Importance of understanding perspectives around historical wrongs.  Why is it important for present day governments to apologize for historical wrongs?

Explain different types of diversity and how they affect Canadian identity.

What is Canadian identity?

Why is it hard to nail down Canadian Identity?

Is Canada a country, an ethnic nation or a civic nation, defend your answer.

How might trends affect Canadian identity?

Oka Crisis & Quebec sovereignty

Cause & Consequences of patriating the constitution

Political Developments that took place between 1982 - present day that affected the sovereignty movement in Quebec.

Pros and Cons of Meech Lake Accord

How did Meech & Charlottetown contribute to unity in Canada, contribute to disunity in Canada

Cause & Consequences of Meech Lake and failure of

What is the significance and importance of an amending formula

Support or oppose the following “The notwithstanding claus should not have been included in the Constitution.”

Differentiate between a collective right and an individual right.

Explain the historical significance of the 1982 patriation of the charter from three different perspectives

Be ready to compare and contrast historical wrongs....yours and another one of your choice (from presentations).

Be prepared for a photo analysis/ captioning event

Be ready for a possible political cartoon analysis.

Be ready for more vocab on this test.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Geography 12: Mass Wasting article analysis

 Mass Wasting Article Analysis

1.  Find an article or news event (you might need to find a couple for the same event to get enough info) for a type of mass wastage of your choice (mudslide, rockfall, avalanche, creep, solifluction etc...and analyze the event by describing the following:

  • the factors leading to the type of wastage. (causes)
  • the wastage movement (this means briefly in your words describe what happened)
  • the physical and human impacts of the wastage movement (effects)
  • the current immediate needs due to the aftermath (short term solutions)
  • possible longer term prevention. (long term solutions)
Ensure you include the source of the article.

2.  Apply two of the Geographic thinking concepts to the article.

3.  Then add if you agree with the causes from what you know (or further research) and briefly discuss what you think is the best solution, backed up with evidence.

Social Studies 10: Oct. 11

 Today in class we wrote a Friday 5, finished up the last presentations on Historical Wrongs in Canada.  From here we started looking at the Constitution, what a constitution is and how it is important in Canada.  We understood what the BNA Act is and how it was hard for Canadians to change the constitution because it was British law and all changes needed to go through Britain.  We looked at the process that Pierre Trudeau went through in 1982 in order to bring in the Constitution Act and patriate the constitution that includes our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We read pages 82-86 and created a T chart for cause and consequences of patriating the constitution.  This is due for Homework on Tuesday.

Key vocab:  Contitution, Constitution Act, British North America Act, patriate, amending formula

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Geography 12: Oct. 9

 Today in Geography we finished up our case studies on the Babushka's and discussed the seven geographical thinking concepts as they related to the Ted talk from yesterday.  After we took a look at this video to get an idea of what things are like in the "dead zone" today.  


From here we did a quick lesson on latitude and longitude and how this relates to absolute location on the globe.  We took some notes and did a quick worksheet.  (the slides info is pasted below)

After lat and long we moved to a review sheet for the Test on River Systems which is on Friday.

Finally we went to the library and worked on our Field reports (due Friday/Monday).