Wednesday, November 27, 2024

SS10 - 1920's Review sheet

Text Book chapters:  7 & 8 plus page 188

Main topics on the Quest:

-Society & Culture in the 1920's
-Canadian identity, then and now
-formation of Unions & the Winnipeg General Strike
-Regionalism vs Federalism 
-Canada's Growing independence
-events that effected Canada's independence:  King-Byng, Channak, Halibut etc...
-shift in trade from Britain to US
-Role of Women/person's case
-Minority groups
-Social reform

Paris peace treaty/treaty of Versailles, Wilson's 14 points, League of Nations
Inflation                suffrage                         Spanish Flu pandemic
union                     communism                  collective bargaining
Citizens' Committee of 1000                      general strike
prohibition            branch plants                 multilateral action
socialist                 enfranchised                  regionalism
minority government                                  autonomy
Statute of Westminster                                urbanization
Aboriginal Title                                          Indian Act
Cultural Assimilation                                 Group of Seven
push-pull factors     social reform               child labour

JS Wordsworth
Agnes Macphail
Mackenzie King
Viscount Byng
Arthur Meighen
Arthur Lismer (Group of Seven painter if we get there)

Questions to consider:
-Did Canada become more autonomous during the 1920's?
-Of all the events that made Canada more autonomous, which had the greatest impact?  Why?
-Do you agree with the idea of the "roaring 20's"?
-Was the Winnipeg General Strike justified?
-Were the actions of the Federal Government during the Winnipeg General strike justified?
-Why do you think the rise in Labour Unions happened during this time.
-Be able to apply different historical thinking concepts to different issues/content in this chapter:
eg:  historical perspectives, Winnipeg General Strike
       continuity and change:  Role of Women
       historical significance:  King Byng Affair
       cause & consequence: Winnipeg General Strike
How did the role of women change during the 1920's?
What was the social change of the 20's that had the greatest impact on people?
Was the 1920's a period of progress or decline for Canadians?

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