Sunday, September 8, 2024

Geography 12: Friday Four, Sept. 6th

 1.  What are the two main types of Geography?  Differentiate between the two.

Physical & Human Geography

Physical geography deals with the natural features and processes of the Earth. It examines the physical characteristics of the environment and how these features and processes shape the planet.

Human geography looks at the relationship between people and their environments. It explores how human activities and cultures shape and are shaped by the physical landscape.

2.  List the 5 themes of Geography:


Movement, Regions (formal, functional, perceptual), Human-Enviro Interactions, Location (Absolute and Relative), Place (Human and Physical characteristics)

3.  Define one of these and provide an example:

(go through all 5)

4.  Why do we have five themes?  How can they help us?

-They are a framework for understanding geographic data and helps us organize geographic information.

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