Social Studies 9
von Bremen
Blocks 3
Room 205
The goal of
Social Studies is to help students become active and informed citizens who have
an opinion on issues and can back up their ideas. In order to become active, informed citizens
it requires practice and experience, welcome to class!
In Social
Studies 9 we will look at a variety of ideas and topics through six historical
thinking concepts which include:
-historical significance
-continuity & change
-cause & consequence
-ethical judgement
these lenses we will explore a number of topics that may include:
Physiographic features of Canada & Geological
-Physical & political regions of
-Natural resources & major
economic activities
-Physical geography & Canadian
Political, Social, Economic & Technological
-French Revolution
-Industrial Revolution
Continuing effects of Imperialism &
Colonialism on Indigenous people in Canada & the world
-Interactions between First Nations
& Europeans
-the effects of treaties, Indian Act
and more
Global demographic shifts (including patterns
of migration & population growth)
-disease, poverty, famine and the
search for land
-immigration to Canada and
individual challenges & contributions to society
Nationalism & the development of Modern
Nation States including Canada
-responsible government
Local, Regional & Global Conflicts
-Fur Trade
-Red River & Northwest
-World War I
Discriminatory Policies, Attitudes &
Historical Wrongs
-Residential Schools
*Please note there is a mandatory position paper assignment that students will need to complete to a satisfactory level in order to complete the class and move to the next level.
What you need to be successful:
-a good attitude
-come to class prepared and ready to work
-bring texts, notebook & writing utensils
-participate and be present in class
-be respectful of yourself and others
-complete homework and assignments to the best of your
-ask for help
-turn off and put away cell phones/music devices, unless
they are being used for educational purposes under the teacher’s
direction. Responsible use in an educational
***Act on teacher feedback and better your assignment, your understanding and your grade, often!
Late Assignments:
“Stuff happens”. If you are reasonable, I will be
reasonable. Bottom line: I’m a reasonable person however once an
assignment has been handed back the maximum mark you may receive is 50%.
Plagiarism and Cheating will result in a zero, a serious conversation and
sometimes a learning opportunity.
Assignments – 50%
AAP – 10% (attendance, attitude, participation,
preparedness, use of time, assignments in on time, work completion etc.…etc.….)
Tests & Quizzes - 40%
****Your mark will be cumulative through two semesters
Final Assessment = 20% of final grade (this will be skills based
and less so on content)