Sunday, January 12, 2025

Socials 10, Answers to Friday 5: Jan 10

1.  What is Fascism?

-A form of totalitarianism that tells citizens that their nation and race are superior.  People are conditioned to nationalism (often extreme) and love of the mother country.  Leader uses fear, propaganda and military to maintain control in a one party system of government.  

2.  Fascist leaders of Italy and Germany.

-Mussolini and Hitler

3.  Why did Fascist regimes to thrive in the 1930's?

High unemployment and inflation, they wanted fast answers and totalitarian regimes promised stability and employment.

4. How did countries respond to Hitler's aggression?  

appeasement, give him what he wants in order to avoid war

5.  Who was the PM at the start of WWII (and the end of the depression)in Canada?


Bonus:  What does proroguing parliament mean?

-is the action of ending a session of parliament without dissolving it. This process temporarily suspends parliamentary activities, including debates, committee work, and the passage of legislation. Prorogation is initiated by the head of state (GG) on the advice of the prime minister

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