Today we finished up the Napoleon unit. We talked about his major downfall:
1. The continental system
2. The Russian Campaign
-took some notes and watched these videos:
3. The Battle of Waterloo
-we talked about the lead up, read pp. 118-119, define abdicate, provide a summary statement about exile on Elba and the 100 days, provide two statements about the Battle of Waterloo
-we watched this video:
4. Crowning himself Emperor
We finished watching the A&E Napoleon movie: Napoleon, the Glory of France (you can email Mr. Wilson for access
From here we read the conclusion of the chapter and p. 120 & 121
We also went through the French Revolution test and corrected it.
Notes: Napoleon unit test on Friday (see review sheet)
You will have more time after spring break to complete the Napoleon evidence project (I have put a post on the expectations of this). If you finish test early you will have time to work on this.
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