Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Socials 10: Oct. 7 & 8

 Yesterday in Socials 10 students spent the block working on their projects on Historical Wrongs.  These are due to present on Wednesday this week in our double block.  

Today in class, we reviewed our Friday 5's and I handed back your Canadian Identity Mind Maps.  We then took some notes on Regionalism, what Regionalism is and how it affects Canada.  We discussed the regions and issues facing the regions were researched individually.  Expert groups were formed on the four main regions:  The West, Central Canada, The North and The Maritimes/Atlantic provinces where the issues were discussed and decided which still had impact today and which of these had the greatest impact on the region in terms of alienation.

Vocab today:  regionalism, federalism, alienation, economic disparities (transfer payments)

On Wednesday this week:  project presentations, go over last test, finish regions assignment.

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