Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Revolutions project: Part 4

 Part 4:   Final product and Bibliography!

Create a final product where you communicate/show your learning on your topic including your evaluative question. This can be presented in a number of ways:  powerpoint, sway, poster, create a textbook page, an interactive map, diorama, model etc....

Bibliography - follow instructions on library page.  It should include a minimum of three sources (two books and one digital source/website minimum).   Your bibliography should be in Chicago format, be in alphabetical order and be on a separate page or slide.

Submit:  all notes & questions, bibliography and final product by Friday Feb. 21st

Part 3:  Research & Evaluative Questions  (Zooming in)

Decide on one part of your revolution that you want to learn more about.  Come up with a research question.

A research question is one that your know you will be able to find the answer to in books etc… A “Literal Question”  ** Remember Grade 8???  See slides 3-6 here.

For example for the  French Revolution:  Who was Robespierre; what was his role in the Revolution?

You will then continue to take notes & research to find the answer.  Once you have the answer, we will help you to create an “evaluative question” to answer and you will move to Part 4.  I will give you a handout on evaluative questions but essentially it is an open ended question that helps you to evaluate/synthesize and have an opinion on your research.

 Part 2:  Recipe for a Revolution (civil war etc...)

If a revolution  was a cake, what would the recipe look like?  

How long would the the prep time be?  5, 10, 50 years?

What about the  ingredients?  A harsh ruler?  Lack of freedom?  Poverty?

What would the directions look like?

Create a recipe card that reflects your answers to the above….

Prep time:  time revolution/rebellion was building

Ingredients:  key players and events

Directions:  what happened

Cook time:  length of the fighting, revolution

End Product:  final result

Part 1: Basic Research

Goal:  to gain understanding of a turbulent time in history by researching a revolution, a rebellion or a civil war and to understand how it effected history or changed the course of history.  Look at how it impacted the time period and present day (lasting effects)

Part 1:  Choose a revolution, rebellion or civil war (examples below) that interests you.
-Do some initial research using the 5W+H format (who, what, where, when, why and how)
Some examples of these questions might be:  Who was involved?  Who started the revolution?  Why were they rebelling?  etc...
-Ensure you are using credible sites and information and keeping track of these sites for your bibliography.

***You must take good notes these will be part of your mark.

Here are some examples:

-American Revolution, French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Peasant Revolt (England), Slave rebellion, Prussian uprising, Industrial Revolution, Red River Rebellion, Glorious Revolution, Serbian Revolution, Haitian Revolution, Mexican war for independence....etc...

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