On Tuesday this week we learned about political ideologies and the political spectrum. We defined a political ideology as a set of shared ideas or beliefs about the role of government and how society should work.
Members of a political party usually share a similar political ideology.
We then created the political spectrum and discussed the two sides including putting our main political parties in Canada (Liberal, Conservative, NDP and Green) on the political spectrum. We defined the political ideologies of Conservatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Capitalism and where these fit on the spectrum.
The last 45 minutes of class were spent working on maps, revolutions projects or the philosophers/enlightenment assignment. (Choose your own adventure, just use your time well).
I returned assessed persuasive paragraphs (please submit if you have not already with all your drafts to show your learning).
Philosophers Assignment & maps are due on Friday.
Revolutions project due next week.
French Revolution/Revolutions test next week.
On Wednesday in our double block I started the day reviewing the expectations for part 4 of our Revolutions project and the expectations for a good bibliography. The link on citation formatting for bibliography in Chicago style from our school website is here.
We then went to library to work on our projects (or any other missing work).
In the second half of class we reviewed political ideologies and the political spectrum. We discussed where different philosophers from the enlightenment might be on the political spectrum. We also reviewed how the spectrum reflected the views of people during the French Revolution.
From here we skimmed pages 62-67 on King Louis XIV, XV & XIV and listed the issues that arose during their reigns. We then started watching this video to 16:37 minutes and continued to add notes to these columns from the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pXxoyk5wOo
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