Saturday, March 8, 2025

Socials 9: answers to Friday 5, March 7th

 1.  Who was Napoleon Bonaparte?

-Military General, Emperor of France, came to power at the end of the French Revolution

2.  What was the civil code?

-a set of rules for France aka Napoleonic Code.  Reformed rules.  Some specifics:  abolished feudalism and created equality for MEN under the law, secular laws (separated church from state), positions in society should be based on merit not birth

3.  Define Reactionary:

-opposes social reform, favours the old regime or way of doing things

4.  Two examples how Napoleon was reactionary:

-no rights for women (they had won rights during the French Revolution)

-he crowned himself Emperor of France similar to an Absolute Monarch

-used censorship and propaganda to make himself and the economy seem stronger and better than reality


5.  Two things found in the civil code that could be considered revolutionary:

-abolishing feudalism, equality

-merit based system

-unified laws and financial system

-separated state and church

Friday, March 7, 2025

Socials 9: March 5/6

 March 5:

Today in class we reviewed the civil code and what makes Napoleon revolutionary and, or reactionary.  Then we launched into a Napoleon evidence assignment where students were finding quotes and facts to back up a central idea around Napoleon.  We spent the rest of the class in the library working on this.

Mar. 6:

Today I handed back your mapping assignment and your self evaluations on how class is going so far.  I also sent an email home to your parents to ask you for this so you could discuss it.  I put my marks on how I think you're doing right now on there too.  If you/your parents came to parent-teacher-student conferences we used this as our conversation starting point.

From here we had our usual Friday 5 and then took some notes and discussed the difference between Nationalism and Patriotism.  We were going to finish up the class watching some more of the movie but due to technical difficulties we had to switch our plans and instead read pp. 111-113 in our text books and answered the question:  How did Napoleon use nationalism?

I will do a homework check on this question on Monday.

Please note:  Friday March 14th test on Napoleon

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Socials 9: March 3 & 4

 Monday March 3rd

Today we started our unit on Napoleon.  We did a think-pair-share on a chart of what you know, what you think you know.  We also came up with some questions about Napoleon on our chart.  

The essential question was is Napoleon a tyrant or a hero?  We added some ideas around this onto our chart.  From here we brain stormed what kind of government we thought the people of France needed post Revolution.  Then is Napoleon fitting this kind of government?  We read pp 94-96 in text.

We started the movie:  Biography:  Napoleon the Glory of France

Continuing to find facts to support Napoleon as a hero or tyrant.

Exit ticket:

EXIT Ticket:  3, 2, 1

3-new facts about Napoleon

2-predictions you have about Napoleon

1-opinion you have about Napoleon 

Tuesday March 4th
Today students filled out a self evaluation for student-parent-teacher conferences.  The we did some review and watched this video:  History vs. Napoleon

We took notes on the civil code and defined reactionary and revolutionary.  Then we read pp 97-99 and created a T chart on reactionary and revolutionary, adding ideas to both sides.